Real map of the war in Ukraine

For you to be able to follow the military situation in Ukraine after the invasion of the troops of the Russian Federation, we decided to compile a list of useful resources with maps and other information. We provide links to the official websites of various institutions and teams that analyze what is happening at the front in real-time. You can watch on your computer, Mac, phone, or tablet.

Interactive map from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW)

The site shows the front line and the main changes in a day in real-time.

Map from the DeepStateUA team

The developers post information and maps as they become available on the official telegram channel.

Maps by Ukrainian developers Liveuamap

Created based on the Open Street Map, it demonstrates the situation not only in Ukraine but also in other “hot spots” of the world.

Ukraine WAR — war crimes map

The creators of the resource document all the video and photo evidence of crimes on the territory of Ukraine.

Read about what is International Humanitarian Law

Air Raid App for Android and iOS

We recommend installing this application to all residents of our country to track airborne alarms in regions and regions in time.

We hope this information will be useful, take care of yourself and your loved ones. We wish everyone a speedy victory for Ukraine and peace!